Have You Signed Up for the RHC Vaccine Distribution Program?
Dear RHC Community, If you haven’t signed up for the RHC Vaccine Distribution Program, please consider doing so today! If you need help getting started, our partners at the Georgia Health Policy Center are hosting a Q&A-style webinar covering all aspects of the distribution program next Thursday October 28th at 2:00 P.M. Eastern. Please register here: https://bit.ly/rural_vaccine_clinic Overall, signing up for the distribution program is a relatively easy process but tracking down some of the necessary numbers can be a little tricky. As such, this webinar is going to be an interactive session that will cover program enrollment, inventory management, and data collection amongst other topics. For those of you who have not signed up for the distribution program, please understand that just because you sign up, does not mean you have to request a shipment of vaccine immediately. In fact, registering in the RHC Vaccine Distribution Program ensures that your community has a secondary way to access vaccine supply. Should the normal state-based distribution mechanisms not meet your needs, those signed up for this program will be able to access the federal stockpile of vaccines. There is no cost to RHCs who sign up for the distribution program and NARHC recommends that all RHCs consider enrolling. Nathan Baugh |
7 November, 2024 21:16
NARHC has been engaging with CMS over the last year in an attempt to resolve the CPT Category II code issue for RHCs, including through a letter to the CMS Administrator. We are very pleased to report that CMS recently issued a CMS Change Request to allow Category II...